Owner Rob Smethurst has released the following statement:
We’d like to thank Paddy for everything he has done for the club during his time and wish him the very best in his new role at a full-time club.
As the owner of the football club and having been there since the start with Sav, we are now in a position where Sammy McIlroy cannot commit to some Saturdays and Tuesdays due to commitments with Manchester United. This now leaves us in the very capable hands of Mark Duffy and Peter Band.
Therefore, I have asked Sav to be an extra voice on the side line on an interim basis, until we find a successor.
Head coach Mark Duffy said the following: “With Paddy leaving us and Sammy’s commitments, Rob, Myself, and Bandy have asked Sav to be an extra voice as his experience and knowledge will be vital for myself as a young Head Coach.”
Rob and Robbie will be doing a Facebook live at lunchtime tomorrow to give you more information.